lyrics_Poetry | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
I love the skin i am in.

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Views: 373
Digging my nails in David's back (screaming) treyyyy, trey no. David stopped came to reality, he now knew trey was standing behind him. Trey pulls the gun to davids head. David responded look man, i love her. Sorry you had to find us like this. Put the gun down let's talk about this. Smiling you love her...trey was beyond furious, words couldn't explain. We was so loud we woke up king. He was staring in the hallway. Watching. While trey was still pointing the gun to David's head. He looks at me. Do you love him? He said in a soft voice. I nodded, it was a yes. Trey then looks at king, looks at me. In his eyes he had nothing to lose, but he did. BANG!!! the gun went off. (Screaming) blood was everywhere. David laid on me lifeless. Trey shot David in the head. He was dead....

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DallasCowgirl says:

No Treeeeyyyyy!!!! Oh no! Why?!? Man!


lyrics_Poetry says:

He lost it

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ms.poeticpassion says:

I went back and read from Part 1; I really enjoyed this story!

lyrics_Poetry says:

Thank you. I really appreciate it.

DallasCowgirl says:

Is there a part 10


lyrics_Poetry says:

Yes. I had to regroup.

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