7even2wenty | Poetry Vibe
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By Bi !



Views: 365

They cling to narcisistic mood swings 

like bat dingaling trapeeze artist 

Without a net they sweat 

the most healthiest nerve 

As they throw you a curve 

of unpredictability

their victims negotiate 

a tightrope of emotional agility 

The next day they wipe away 

the last as if it never even occurred 

Remorse falls on deaf ears 

as the nudging too often goes unheard

All outta body & all outta pocket 

all at the same dam time 

Liquor , nicotine & caffeine provides the witches' brew in the caldron of her mind 

Awww ... she done broke out the flight kit to that paralell dimension 

It's not as many as Sally Field had 

but it's the polar opposite of my Ascension 

My love & patience was walked on 

she habitually stepped over the line 

So now ...unlike the reasons in "Me & Mrs. Jones

she'll go her way & I'll go mine  .

By Bi !

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mrmelody7 says:

supper smooth digging the lines about witches brew
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Nice, easy, flowing read. i enjoyed it. welcome to the Vibe!

7even2wenty says:

Mr. Melody , Hymangen ... Thank you both , your acknowledgement is well appreciated .

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