Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Americas Truth



Views: 414

I have need
To increase the peace to the North East of the Mississippi flow
The West of the Who knows?
Who is truly down with this hilarious geopolitical show?
I ignore their fake spirit
Thus, my lyrics are denied by those who smoke blow

They sniff snow
I spit wicked and raw
I spit on tickets from the law
Don’t go to the house of whiteness
And try to picket its floor

Lobbyist gave it much more
We have need for detour
Because Americas a whore
She has slept with the world
And now no one likes her any more!

She died in her core
She said she only did it
To pay for her college tuition
But she fell from grace
And the proof is in her current condition!

She slept with too many kings & czars
She became the princess of thieves
Picked up the falling leaves
But now she suffers and grieves
Her sins now make her bleed

Her offspring now suffer her torment
Her love nearly died as it now lies dormant

Crushed by the heel of loftiness of the strange
She now walks the wilderness feeling estranged
Her own children her they do despise
For it is because of her
They have cried many cries
Dropped many tears from fears
Loss of sobriety
Her giving in to the wicked society
She whispered to herself
“Now the kings say hi to me”

And in the process, herself she sadly lost
And she is not even wise enough to question, “At what cost”?

She is in a stupor
Still thinking she is great and super
But she has fallen without even knowing
But her weakness is showing
She lost her age of innocence
When her face had been glowing

She is pale
Her speech is now stale
Upon her
Much rain does fall with hail
For she somehow like a dog
Chases her own tail

Her past decisions have her corrupted
The anger of her children towards her have now erupted
And when they seek to kill their mother
Their desires will not be interrupted!


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