HymnAgen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Pen wouldn't move til now Current eventz got me feelin some kinda way

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Invisible Woman


just different

Views: 642

She was invisible

until we engaged in conversation.

In opening up to me,

she became a flower in full bloom.

In sharing her reflections,

she gave me light as the full moon.

Through our mental connection

she gave me the insight needed to see her.

Now that I see her,

I can’t believe I could not see her before.



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DallasCowgirl says:

I love this piece! Beautiful~ A funny thing happened while reading this poem. I was compelled to read from the bottom to the top and the entirety of the poem was revealed. Did you do that on purpose?

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hymnagen says:

Underhiswings7 I can only wish one day I'll have the capacity to be that deep. My only plan was to come full circle. I'm flattered you see more in it that I did.

Devonte7638 says:

You can read it from bottom to top and it becomes another poem yet still the same. Sometimes your writing becomes more than you intended

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The Immortal Wize says:

Very poetic my brother.

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hymnagen says:

Devonte7638 reading from the bottom up is a practice I never considered. I might have to in the future. I appreciate your thoughts especially as they echo Underhiswings7's. Thanks

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hymnagen says:

Wize Dom you already know...Mad respect from me!

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2b2b2 says:

Suave Play....Well Crafted....ONE

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hymnagen says:

Your opinion always matters, 2b. Appreciate you, bruh

woven says:

Reading this from top to bottom, she was beautiful after your mental connection. Reading it in reverse, does give it an extra dimension, Very insightful of underhiswings7 to say. Intricately written, enjoyed.

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hymnagen says:

woven, it's a blessing that you, too, see more in this piece than I consciously planned to put in it. Thank you for these words

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