Devonte7638 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 10200
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lightness in the dark
I've been gone for a while now im back

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  brigadier general
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Published a book!!!!!



Views: 429

Hey, for those of you that have read my poems I would like to announce that I recently published a book. If you've like the poems I've posted so far then I'm sure you'll enjoy this as well. It's titled "28 Days" and it contains every poem I wrote during the month of February. thank you all for reading my poems and if any of you have published works I love to support fellow artist. Search Devonte 7638 on Amazon and it'll pull up the book. 

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Devonte7638 says:

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Devonte7638 says:

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Alekia Abeni says:

Congratulations on your new book! I look forward to reading!

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Devonte7638 says:

Thank you

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DallasCowgirl says:

Checking it out!

Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

May you prosper more!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Got check your work....ONE

Devonte7638 says:

Thank you all. A kindle version is also available now

love_supreme says:

Congrats on the book!

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