armonroe83 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 2600
lightness in the dark
2015 belongs to me

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Views: 159


Welcome back here you are again four hundred years later and you're still wondering aimlessly looking for a savior, someone to deliver you from the evils of this world so cold the excuses getting so old you're still just a no class citizen fighting for rights you no longer have you're a slave to the system you never had any freedoms so how can you miss them and most of you may think the system is broken
in this world where your histor...y and culture are repeatedly stolen and
corporation's have become the new plantation so house 's need not apply only the field 's get the privilege of working for free until you die
see you fell for the biggest lie of them all got you looking for God to break every chain the jokes on you calling on Jesus name in vein have you thinking your god really exists any more than the devil does
You see in this place we control everything from your religion to culture to finances and for your insubordination there are no second chances
There is no rehabilitation for chance to reform there's only one way no living outside the norm you only have our permission to be free on this plantation reborn

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