Welcome to the land of the free home of the brave
Where you'll fantasize about being free but in reality you're still a slave
Where the contributions your ancestors gave will forever be erased...
Under an illusion you'll be placed faced with every day life and death decisions to keep you busy too preoccupied to see your own demise disguised as growth
Welcome to the land of milk and honey prosperity and money
Love of country and all mankind except for when it comes to your kind The black woman and black man you just don't fit into the master plan Its true what they say America does eat its babies so maybe you don't want to be around when feeding time comes you don't want to be the one swallowed up whole by societies capitalistic greed which we need to feed on a daily basis life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are only reserved for special cases no black and brown faces allowed
Welcome to your new home where your dreams are no longer your own and your freedoms are only ours to give and it is only from us that you may have permission to live
Copyright Poetic Justice 2015