msmaja187 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
YouTube me... Miss Maja just let it happen #shewrites

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the struggle



Views: 304
The struggle is real, often cant afford a meal, trying to strike a deal but dont let the devil hear, the struggle leaves you hopeless and open, the feeling of never knowing if you'll survive and get out alive, the struggle doesn't leave you options but to go out and rob em, and that's the problem, when you struggle there's no good or bad pieces to the puzzle, you do what you have to when the devil's running after you tapping you with a clear path and view..out the hood

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Ak rio says:

Whoa you blew me away this I was not expecting you are goooood

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msmaja187 says:

Thank u thank u, one of my personal faves so I'm glad you like it

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