KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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contest winner 1
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lightness in the dark

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I'm guilty



Views: 500

"I'm guilty" Yes I did it, those are my fingerprints. I was the one who made her wear those leopard prints and I'm far from innocent, those pills I drugged her with were Mental stimulants. My finger prints are all over her brain and her body, I was too caught up in the moment when she passed out, I didn't even try to hide her body. I kept trying to revive her because when she was woke, I fullfilled her burning desires, her warm waters kept putting out my fires. I couldn't take it anymore I had to make her climax higher, calling her the devil 99 times until she caught on fire, you see I'm not a liar, I done the crime, so I'll do the time, see ya next lifetime....#poetry #wisdom #intelligenceissosexy #infinitewords #sapiosexual #fingerprints Qadar Dwon'

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Potent piece....Write On! ONE
Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Thank you bro..... Your pieces inspire me to keep writing...

DallasCowgirl says:

Never knew this piece existed. Very unique writing style.


JustOneStoryTeller says:

Ooooh so love this one King you did your thing on this one. I am laughing cause I just posted one similar. Great write.

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