Vanesa Stylez | Poetry Vibe
Vanesa Stylez
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Mirror Decisions



Views: 173


I guess Mary knew the feeling when she sang, " I'm going down."
Break a million & one boxes just to find ones self. 

Time is just us,


We thought We knew what We wanted.

Til me confronted me.

She said. "Where's the sun, where's our smile?

Where's our passion? 

Why has this begun?"

I look at her,

She looks at me. 
To watch her eyes, is to know sadness.

She said, 

"When did this happen? 

When had this begun?

There's just silence."

But for me there was none. 
When had we forgotten, 

We are One. 

We need each other. 
We are each other. 

She said, "Why are we divided?,

Why are we not one?

Why did you even think about us and that gun? 

-Who mad you unhappy? -

Who scarred your heart? 
How did you even lift me when I see you are torn apart?"

She looks at me,

I look away. 
Her voice echos desperately, 

" You're the key to my happiness, 

 I am nothing without you. 

If you left, hearts would break. 
My Heart would break, 

without you."

She looks within me, 

Me within her. 

One tear slides down our cheek. 
 I said,

"Don't worry we'll never part,

No space can make us divided, 

No space can rip us apart.

Our space is where Love dwells, 

  We'll be far greater than our start.

A million & one boxes, 

just to find oneself. 

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