detroitfred | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Found a few poems I haven't seen in a while.

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Views: 305

I never knew my sister hurt as much as she did

Sticks and stones break bones but my words broke her ribs

She can't breathe she's oppressed and I don't give her a chance

I try to dumb her down every time she tries to take a stance

Her looks aren't good enough, she's not as light as I want her

I want them light damn near white, with all the hate of our culture

Repeat 1000 times, all over social media

Put it on magazines, album covers, when she turns the TV on

I'd drive her into a corner of confliction with inner-self

The black boy has become the downfall of her health

The institutionalized thoughts are like cancer within societies

Telling her beauty is one color and never in other varieties

Tell my sister I'm sorry, my mother is of resemblance

How could I say that she's ugly when beauty's truly melanin?

How could I say I don't love her and leave for a white woman

Who only wants me to piss off her father, mother, and brothers

Who used to hunt us in sheets, while children hid under covers

Young brothers petrified wishing they could protect their mothers

Their father is being tortured. Their lives are misfortune

They're provided with lies, as if they're prescriptions that bring comfort

We'll start to blame it on our color, and start blaming each other

Divided we will remain, Willie Lynch keeps pushing forward

Even though he's pushing daisies, his analysis stirs us crazy

To the point where we have become the meaning of hatred

The evil, the darkness, the shadow of doom

Across cultures, darker people suffer most, why?

Because us boys have made it worse for our own kind after time

And time after time, sister turns the blind eye

She lets me back in even though I'm the reason she cries

I never knew my sister hurt as much as she did

But I know now, and wish I could make the pain distant

Wish I could make the world different, just so she can smile

My sister's hurting I'll carry her weight for now.

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twistedbeauty says:

this is a very beautiful piece. keep writing.

poems by this commentor


DallasCowgirl says:

Mercy! This poem is what I have been needing to hear badly! I live in the south where brothers will choose a lighter and whiter complexion woman over a sister in a heartbeat and vice versa. I see it everyday. I hear the jokes everyday. I shake my head everyday only because sometimes to acknowledge that we are no longer loved like we once were is the most painful part of being a black woman. It's a mutual feeling, I know. The pain is real. I love this poem. Words of comfort and deliverance. Beautiful.

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