KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Proverbs 31 woman



Views: 499
"Proverbs 31 woman" Nothing compares No amounts worth of cars and money can impress a proverbs 31 woman. No amount of breast and booty can compare to this proverbs 31 cutie. No matter the amount of flowers and compliments, a Proverbs 31 woman just ain't budging. No amount of lies and games, can penetrate through a Proverbs 31 woman's soul and virtuous frame. No amount of oil and fame can alter the mind of a Proverbs 31 woman's mind frame. No amount of slander and hostility can affect a Proverbs 31 woman gifted purity and humility, No amount of animals and land, can get this God fearing proverbs 31woman to betray her God given wise man. She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life.. Qadar Dwon' #poetry #wisdom #proverbs31woman #sheistheprize #praiseher #sospecial

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DallasCowgirl says:

*Snap Snap* Beautiful!

Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Todah ahchut.. I appreciate it..

Poetiq1der says:

May The Good Lord Love and Bless You and Yours. Indeed, my Friend and Brother...."A Virtuous woman Is Hard To Find" I could feel your admiration and appreciation for that type of woman as I read through every line. Bravo! I've been through a war with my body and sickness. I never got a chance to Thank You for your kind words left for my poem F.O.T.W....So, Thank You May I invite you to go to Sound Cloud and Listen to the tracks "Imagine" and "Sobering Reality" by Poetiq1der Be Faithful and Blessed...

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