TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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hidden treasure



Views: 488


i’ve let you in and i can't get you out

i've given you a glimpse of my world and you continue to look around

fascinated with the hidden treasures encrusted within my soul

a connection of like minds

i cant seem to find on a regular basis

consistency they lack

sending me on a endless journey

looking for a deeper acquaintance

a meaningful conversation

touching beyond small talk

mental stimulation elevating me to another level

mind blown every time i hear his soul speak

he brings out the lyrical freak in me

trying to convey the way he moves me


inspiration from miles away

over the past few days pages of my notebook have been overflowing

its a nice escape

from the anger and frustration

i’ve felt from from being heartbroken



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