Tmartin The Poet! | Poetry Vibe
Tmartin The Poet!
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lightness in the dark

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The Man With The Gun!



Views: 290
The man with the gun I understand your pain wishing that life never came with pain! family around to comfort you. Just know tommorows another day every thing will be alrite you just gotta relax stay cool stop being confused, Trust in the lord he will guide you into success. You just have to trust in him make the rite decisions cause one squeeze of that trigger can have you facing life in prison. Just think about it think are you really ready to squeeze that trigger!?.. Hear that loud sound see that flame from that gun,watch that blood splatter all over your clothes, see that body dropping, staring that man in the eye watching him take his last breaths asking you please no don't kill me. Homicide coming with the yellow tape after its all over your paranoid trying your best to escape the madness. But the detectives are just to damn good for you to escape there capture plan!.. So tell me are you really ready to squeeze that trigger!?.. Are you ready to face that judge knowing the system is going to burie you under the jail as if you was dead all ready!.. So tell me are you really ready to hear that judge end his last words screaming life with out parole!.. So listen to me think about what your doing cause one squezze of that trigger can just lead you into a world of trouble. Remember there's always a better tomorrow you just have to stay focus ask the lord to guide you in the rite direction and keep the faith cause one squeeze of that trigger will have the lord looking down on you in disgrace!

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