I have so much things to say!.. But I'm dieing smoking to much got my lungs collapsing. I got so much too say but I can't stop coughing my mind is full of words. I'm forced to sit hear in silence, laying in this hospital bed dieing I have so much to say but I'm crying!.. Knowing my time is near and I cant help but fear not being here to see my kids grow into the future! I have so much to say but my condition won't let me. This lung cancer is killing me faster then a hungry lion on a hunt I'm having memories about my kids that I will never see any more. What am I to do now!?.. But tell the lord here I come but I still have so much to say, But I'm weaker then a newborn at birth my hands are shakey because my strength is faiding so I must hurry up and finish this letter before my body becomes numb!.. I love you family and never forget I will be watching you guys from above. So give me hugs and kisses before my heart stops. I wish I was able to speak but the air I intake is low, So im forced to find strength to write this before I go!.. I wish you guys the best and never give up fight for what's right!.. And I don't care if you have to use a gun!.. Oh god here i come my heart is racing my body is getting colder then a winter storm. I'm gasping for air so I'm gonna hurry up and finish this letter with a big I love you family with all my heart!!