2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Views: 449

Hence I engage in a rage
Fought out in unrelenting ways

Enduring my actions implement
Staining my refrain with throes in woe

Ceasing in want for reposed
Predisposed to endure this eternal fire

Glowing inside but feeling burnt
Smoldering in the desire to release reproach

Eyes view scenes that spark flintlock
Explosions of insight flash and expire shock 

Glimpses of fireflies flash in sequence
Illuminating my ever-changing dreams existence

Writes ignite paper burning from cinders
Something flammable easily stoked within us

Never 2b fully doused or contained
Igniting my life in the scribe of pen imposed

Burning and consuming thoughts to memories
2b replaced by new embers of experience sojourner 

As the desire passes on, lighting screens to forecast
Emotions shared, ensnared as vapors ignite like fossil fuels

Enraged words, songs sung in choruses upon recovery
Blazing a trail of glory upon Humanity’s Never-ending Story!


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LP45 says:

Wow, nice work you've got here. Again. Write on, write on.
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

"Smoldering in the desire to release reproach" How many times have I held my tongue because loosing it was not expedient?!! I REALLY felt that line down deep #Salute

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks kindly Ladypoet45!!
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2b2b2 says:

Thanks hymnagen....I to am so glad for the blessing of "penning" myriad expressions....ONE

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