T.Christine | Poetry Vibe
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"Momma you gave me a name, but didn't stay to raise me. I search for you in every face I see. My big nose, big lips, and wide gapped teeth. My "good hair" "good skin" and plump full cheeks. High cheek bones, beautiful skin tone, and pretty smooth feet. I look for you daddy with no clues to find. I don't even know your name, you probably don't know mine. I look for my siblings in every stranger I see. As I get older I wonder "what if they bump into me?" So many questioms, so little answers, and yet I still believe. The parents who birthed me, but never got to know me, they gave me a gift... and a curse. I feel open, left broken, and lost in a sea. I don't know.my heritage, my beginnings, or the faces of those whose DNA created me. I was baby girl EVANS raised Plummer married WARREN and yet I still don't know what makes me me."- "Adopted" From "Little Girl Be Healed" written by T.Christine 2015

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