T.Christine | Poetry Vibe
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The Frustration



Views: 281

I'm overwhelmed with so much purpose with no ground to put it in. I'm frustrated with my days. I get no sleep at night. The creative juices keep flowing and yet the pipes are clogged. The old wine skins are bound to burst. I'm just tired of hearing "you have so much potential" and yet I don't know where to go to get help to cultivate the soil of my life. There is no greater defeat than dying with a pocket full of seeds. I want to see these things come to pass. God help me. I don't know how to help myself. - T.Christine 2015


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ms.poeticpassion says:

Oh My Goodness......sometimes I have thoughts somewhat the same. ~Blessings~

T.Christine says:

Thank you for the read 😆

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