T.Christine | Poetry Vibe
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Color of my Skin



Views: 296

The color of my skin tells a story within itself. Million man marches. Whites against blacks. Riots and taking a stand. Segregated schools. Hatred and slavery ruled. I wasn't there to witness these events. Yet my skin makes me kin. My skin makes me a target. The color of my skin seems to identify everything about me. WRONG. The color of my skin has little to do with my life. The color of my skin has made me a victim a time or two. I don't walk in fear. I don't walk with my head low. I don't fear for my life. Well you're a woman, little black boys should. My sons won't fear either. My sons will die one day and the sin will be on the cause. Whether white, black, plane, or health. I have more things to worry about than my race being gunned down. Call me selfish. They never wanted us here? Well I'm here. College here I come. Jobs here I come. I WRITE MY STORY. I do the work. I push past the barriers. I don't rally, I don't riot. I don't cry. The color of my skin is just that  COLOR. My character will be called to judgement. My God knows my heart. Call me ignorant. Call me a . Call me what you want. I don't know you. The hours you spend on social media telling white people to "shut up" the more money they make. The more moves they make. The more they progress while we digress. Wise men and women don't ARGUE about it, they be about it. They start businesses. They mentor, they don't incite generalization. We are all paying for the sins of our fathers both black and white. You could rape me, beat me, spit on me, hurt me, and I'll turn the other cheek. The minute you stoop low to throw a blow, you become a part of the problem. Read, write, educate not just on your history, but on others. You wanna point at your enemy and tell them of their hatred. Read of their history and see their good. The color of my skin is associated with rage. Oppression and they are still slaves. The white man doesn't have you picking cotton anymore. RISE. My skin is a part of my genetic make up. I couldn't control that,but my life...That's MINE. MAKE IT COUNT. -T.Christine 2015


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2b2b2 says:

Excellent piece and sentiment....Namaste

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T.Christine says:

Thanks! 😀

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