T.Christine | Poetry Vibe
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I gave my all to you- you lied. I tore down walls for you- you lied. I trusted you -you lied. I forgive you-I try. I forgive me -I'm lying. I saw the warnings- the signs. I gave you my body- I cried. I broke my promises -you won. I am a victim of your Games- RUINED.                                                    I called her -you mad? I peep game- you're lame! I hacked your Facebook- passwords changed! I hacked your phone records- had calls to make. I posted their pictures -I'm blowing up your spot. I got a new man- you don't know about that. You paying my bills- I'm spending your cash. you say you love me-I sit back and laugh. I'm a bitter - I want you to burn! No longer innocent- where have I gone. You say you never loved me- say what you want. I'm having your baby -daddy rolling stone. Now you wanna be a family-boy be gone! Visitation rights- I'd never do you wrong! You are the father-she is your child. I still hate you- we gotta get along...for her.                                                                                          I went away-clearing my mind. You've apologized-was it all a lie? I've got to forgive you- for the sake of my soul. I still love you- oh my gosh - he proposed. We're getting back together -our love is too deep. I want to be your one-please don't hurt me. 6 years later- we made it, we survived. Married- 2 daughters - youre still the one. I went from victim to Villian to victor and it took lots of work. You hurt me, I broke you, we both came out on top. Love is supposed to be unconditional and YOU taught me that. I made an investment, and the return was well worth the WORK. -T.Christine 2015                                    





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rie_cee says:

speaks to me.. Love it!!

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T.Christine says:

Thanks for reading!! 😄

ms.poeticpassion says:

Powerful.....love it

T.Christine says:

Thanks! ☺

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