I am a knight, a love adventurer
Out to discover the treasures of your inner chamber
Fear not, fair maiden, for I have come to save you
On this date, I pledge to make you my reward
As I set out to shower you with my love,
Chivalry is alive this Knight, as ignited honor in love
Plighted in need for love, I will assuage your longing
Charming you and claiming you solely for my becoming
With my steady sword I will prove what I say actually
Duplicitous loving is assured daily in its delivery
Effective and effectively toppling your queen-dom to please
As all other competitors for a stake in your heart’ affairs,
Are cunningly dismissed and sent to love elsewhere.
For I will manipulate them out of their will to battle for the
As my unpredictable character has never failed to place queens on their knees
Defensive I will be in retaining what is ordained as mine
Cool yet sensitive to keeping all of my winches aligned
So come onto me, I am your Handsome Knight, a love adventurer
Whose has your love in his calculating sights