msmaja187 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 10800
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lightness in the dark
YouTube me... Miss Maja just let it happen #shewrites

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  brigadier general
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the right things



Views: 392
You know all the right things to say, either you're perfect or you know exactly how to play the game, subtly pulling at the strings like a harp, entranced by every word, you have a grasp on my heart, overflowing with passion perhaps a mirage so I proceed with caution

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Ak rio says:

Very short but also the message is delivered right on point without hesitation

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msmaja187 says:

Thank u, I write a lot at work so I write until I'm distracted and often feel they're unfinished so I'm glad u like it
Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Very beautiful and genuine..

msmaja187 says:

Thanks king â™”
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

A real lesson on being prudent..I digs

msmaja187 says:

Thanks brotha

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