ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 218

How little our true magnifigance is shown, how little our proud minds to ourselves is known, we are traitors confessed, to all who knows us best, unworthy but possess life's greatness, judged tones against us is weightless, more than our minds could phantom or guess, I am one with a destiny no more no less, believing all the way to the end unknown, that I was put here a for a purpose unowned, shrill minds in terror or defeat, I am the perfect being everthing about me is unique, my mistique, enchanting, your curiosty enhancing, I drew you in, feirceness and fright on this jourmey we begin, I need your faith a sacrifice we need to make to purge the orgin of fate, trapped in suspended states, but still I wait, patience virtue you hurt and I hurt too, it's like we thought we knew, my gift for giving is overdue,

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msmaja187 says:

the perfect being everthing about me is unique, my mistique, enchanting, your curiosty enhancing, I drew you in, feirceness and fright on this jourmey we begin... So sad the journey just ended 👏

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DallasCowgirl says:

Very well said


ElroyKen says:

Thank U for checking me out.

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