TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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he loves



Views: 301

he loves

the way i stare into his bright eyes

shining light into my dark days

he loves

the way he makes me smile

making sure he doesnt turn it into a frown

he loves

my figure making sure to caress every curve paying extra attention to what i feel is flawed

he loves

the sway in my hips as i make my way to him

loving every minute of the show he never lose focus

he loves

the way i plant kisses on him

leaving him always wanting more

he loves

the way i listen when he speaks storing vital information never to use against him

he confides in me

he knows im listening with no ulterior motive

than getting to know him in every aspect and more

he loves


whole heartly

my orginality he yearns

my personality he cherish

our love is preserved

he was made for me


i was made for him

patiently waiting for him to make his grand entrance into my life

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DallasCowgirl says:

Very beautiful

Contest Winner  

amin901 says:

very good poem

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