ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Thought At Random



Views: 187

Does the seers see and the hearers hear, with these senses do they understand purposeless and fear, what light do they see themselves in what portriat do they portray and paint of their fellow man, should I start over and begin again, should I change my name in degradation of my sins, does my mistakes define me or dictates whats within, listening but are you understanding seeing but are sure you know how to discern the difference from reality and dreams, beware of this world everything is not all what it seems, I want to have riches to feed the poor, I want to prevent world war, I want my daughter to grow to be a woman instead of a whore, I want my son to be a man instead of killing a man at the mercy of his hands, I rather sell hope than these drugs I rather shoot proudness and rascism than shoot these slugs,  I rather bail my people out of poverty than bail them out of jail, I rather them elect themselves, than elect a president that wont prevail, but what do I know I am just a young black male, who pales in comparison and fails,

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ms.poeticpassion says:

Write On.....

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hymnagen says:

THIS is what "keeping it real" is supposed to mean! I'm feeling this joint; it really speaks to me. Hot write up, poet!

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