BriCakes05 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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To My Future Husband



Views: 582

I kissed a couple frogs under the impression that you would be a prince
Now knowing today a prince is for a princess but God designed you and me to be a king and queen
He formed me from your rib to show the world two halves are needed to make man whole
 I serve to shelter your lungs as they inhale the beautiful life God has given
To protect your heart that rhythmically beats the tunes of our love 
I speak of you with such love and appreciation but I'm not yet sure of who you are
What I do know is that I love....
The way your genuine smile radiates from your face 
How your words echo to the heavens as we pray
The warmth of your touch
The strength of your embrace 
How we have an emotional connection that can not be replaced 
You continued to stay around even when it took me forever to let you in
You opened doors locked by other men
I can't promise to be the perfect wife
But I'll be here till the end 
So until your lungs inhale it's last beautiful breath of life and exhales your divine soul until your heart plays our last love tune and your body announces last call 
I'll be your wife, your rib, the half to your whole










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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

This is beautiful keep up the good work...

bricakes05 says:

Thank you

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

KingQadarDwon' speaks truthfully; this is a beautiful piece. i especially like this line: "You opened doors locked by other men"

bluedichotomy says:

This is so lovely, "How your words echo to the heavens as we pray". My favorite line. To hear your man pray fervently before the Great I Am, in full masculinity and boldness? Yess!

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xclusive says:

This is a nice write. love the way you started it off. Keep up the good write

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scash102 says:

That's real And deep, I love it! Open the hearts eyes to the future.

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Just_Me_Kelee says:

Beautiful, love it

wesnesby says:

Magical word play, lovin that


love_supreme says:

Very nice. Excellent write.

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love_supreme says:

Very nice

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