lyrics_Poetry | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
I love the skin i am in.

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Views: 487

King screaming, I was screaming. I could not believe trey shot David. I had a flash back to everything we been through. From him losing his best friend going crazy, from him beating me, from us having king. We were so happy. I snapped back into reality. Blood was everywhere David was still laying on me lifeless.  The only thing I could think of was my family; I had to save my family. I got up ran to king bare naked blood was all over my body. I Told him to go to his room lock the door until I came back. I went back into the kitchen trey was pasting telling me, see shavon you made me do this, I should kill your axx. I then replied then what would that solve. I told trey to get hisself together, we have to clean up this blood and get rid of this body. Trey looked at me surprised. He could not believe what I was saying to him. no matter what he did to me, i was going to ride for  him regardless.....

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Ak rio says:

Powerful, true story?

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Ak rio says:

Powerful, true story?

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lyrics_Poetry says:

Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Awesome stories..... You're such a great writer.. Keep up the amazing work...
Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

That was intense, Wow!!!!

DallasCowgirl says:



lyrics_POetry says:

Thanks everyone!!! yall as well keep up with the phenomenal work, I enjoy reading all of yall poems.

DallasCowgirl says:

Have you heard of Story Vibe? You should post your stories on there....


love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

Lyrics_poetry says:

Thanks I appreciate the feed back @latin_lover

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Lyrics_poetry says:

Thanks I appreciate the feed back @latin_lover

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Lyrics_poetry says:

@underhiswings7 no I haven't but I will definitely check that out. Thanks love

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