With you I am but a fish drowning below the seas of your tear ducts
A bird that flew off of the handle with high hopes of conquering a fear of heights
The way you keep me in need I'm on pens and needles, as thread, like reaping what you've sewn
You are the plaid in my speech pattern the fertilizer in my thought process and the
fine print in my laws of attraction
I am the cold shoulders that separates your gut feelings from your strong mind, the glad wrap zip locking your sanity when you've gone mad
You are the paper beneath my ball point, the seamen within my pen brings life to your canvas like unprotected intercourse
Tucked under the crevices of your lips I am the sweet poetry escaping your taste buds and effortlessly rolling off of your tongue
Quiet as it is kept I am the belligerent yells and obscene gestures resting on your blank expression
Long ago you tied my brain around your finger like a shoe lace and molded my intestine into wadded brain matter so I wouldn't waste my mind
The truth, the way, and the light you are so I soar through your grace, wingless, to be better connected to infinite bliss
Do You Know What Today Is?
Today is not only our anniversary but today is the day that we hold hands taking a leap of faith jumping the broom
Today we become Mr. and Mrs. Moore 3/29