KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Love Jones



Views: 608

I have a Jones in my bones for you, even my lungs and my yawns speak to you. My charms and my arms long for you, this love affair, I want this to last 4ever plus 2... 2 as in you and I, the looks I get from you when you just straddle up and ride, makes my toes ball up and die, but at the same time it frees my soul, allowing it to fly. Flying all inside of you, touching all the G spots, causing my erections of Jones to play games of peek-a-boo. Boo I'm leaving my ghost inside of you, got you speaking languages that you never knew. Speaking that Jones language, pleasuring ain't it?! You like being stimulated in the Love Chambers. Love is the ultimate respect and if my rocket loses speed temporarily, just get off it and just wrap your legs around my neck and just fuel ⛽ me back up, so that we can go to the moon, we can become astronauts and bust many space nuts. Floating around with the particles, I want to tear it up on Pluto next, how does your schedule look tomorrow!? Qadar Dwon' 3/29/15

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Brotha I know you possess stronger than a playa's character, but....ALL RIGHT NOW, PLAYA! LOL

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Lol thanks bro.. Thank you for reading... Just sharing my mind with the world....

Ak rio says:

This is fire artistry great work

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

@Ak Rio Thank you brother. Keep up your great work....

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Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

"Oh my" blushing!!!!! Nice tho
Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

@TamaraDm. Thank you kindly.. I really appreciate that...

shadchan says:

Yeah. A boss cadence to your poem. I can def. see this as a spoken word poem!

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Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Thank you.. That movie inspired this....

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