KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Creating realities



Views: 594
You often leave me with mornmares and noonmares with the shadows of your smile, got my mind going counterclockwise, my brows tick upwardly, but the time is infinity, with timeless time you make me do extraordinary things, I'm creating my own realities, that star above that house I give it your name, I often pour coke on the swine to bare your pain and watch the worms come out and squirm to the drain, only to be flushed in their disgust, making them leave my soul -host, I'm putting my holy- ghost in you, in Yah we trust. There's the love, I mean the ultimate respect, I now see the shadows of your eyes tattooing my chest, or better yet X-raying my heart, you beat me to the punch, you just stole my thoughts. As the sunlow sets in place, with all of the light disappearing, we just go to another place. That place would be the wells of the world, the moon beaming off of the bitterness of the deep, this is the time the apexes like to feast. I won't let them harm you, I'm anointed and Yah gave us dominion over every living creature that was formed too. I now see the shadows of your sweat, I mean your detoxing salinity, you're feeling nervous, because of all the ferocious predators that's in the vicinity. Don't worry I'm Purifying you like the seasalt, creating a balance in between us like a see- saw, that whale that we saw, will blow us to our sleep tarp and I can finally sleep and drown in deep thoughts.. Qadar Dwon' 3/30/15

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DallasCowgirl says:

Well...well...well... All I can say is this is so beautiful

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KingQadarDwon' says:

Thank you! I truly appreciate your comment... Keep up the inspiration for all of these great poets on here.. I'll speak for us all, you inspire us all with your work...
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hymnagen says:

Such a peaceful reassuring vibe from this work. It soothes the soul. Thank you KingQadarDwon'

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KingQadarDwon' says:

@ hymnagen, thanks my brother.... Thanks for reading... I

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