Tmartin The Poet! | Poetry Vibe
Tmartin The Poet!
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lightness in the dark

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looking down a barrel of a gun man!!



Views: 235
Looking down a barrel of a gun man your heart will race your blood will pump faster then a cheetah chasing his pray!.. Staring that gunman in the eye can be frightening not knowing if he's man enough to pull that trigger!.. Just you and him face to face all you can do is turn around and run, Pray that his nerves isn't steady his aim isn't ready hoping his heart is changing not knowing if he's ready to be on a hunt and have a heart as a lion!.. But if it turns to be the beast that you never wanted to meet you better try your best to break free you better move your feet!.. Try your best not to be prey cause every squeeze of that trigger can become pain to your nerves!.. Poisons to your soul, Tears to your parents, News to your city, Politics no one cares for just another brother killed by one of his own!.. Another black man gone buried with out a stone cause insurance you never had!.. another young african male that never had a dad!.. Damn this must change because every day its the same song another black man dead by a brother that's just lost cause the system got him confused!.. And he was forced to carry that tool cause his father was never there because the drugs kept him on the move!.. So he was force to go find food hunting down his own not knowing that its wrong, Cause the system broke down his home!!

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