Overstand YOUR power.
KNOW your worth.
You being a BLACK WOMAN is a powerful threat.
Besides the fact that you are beautiful
But you are intelligent, in which makes you LETHAL!
No MAN wants to walk around fearing someone he thinks should be inferior...
Only A GOD would know how to love and care for a GODESS!
A Man with EGO can NOT accomplish such things...
A godly wombman will go through many
TRIAL AND ERRORS to overstand and ACCEPT her divine power!
She KNOWS how to be righteous from simply KNOWING HERSLEF.
She realizes her feminity is her her WEAPON
to FIGHT white supremacy
She realizes her nurturing nature and suttle ways can move mountains and erupt volcanoes
Her dainty and weak demeanor gives her God strength to want to protect her.
Her conservative and and covered body allows her to glow and bask in true forms of beauty
Her submissive mindset gives room for HER God to help guide her, while she returns peace in his favor.
Together they will create heaven....
Ladies know your power. Its up to US first...