beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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Hope's Desire



Views: 345

Deep as a river, wide as the ocean

The words I generate is like  glorious potions

to smell the sweet fragrance of God's love

My Gift is to blow out blessings not curses, because the words

are so powerful, that they only can help the unsaved masses

Of all the souls that are like lost sheep, wandering without direction

and, not even focusing on God's corrections

Feeling the pain of others that was once shared, and turning it into compassionate sentiments

that can only change feelings of despair, to feelings of hope

For hope is the only way to remain, to help us refrain from all the negative thoughts

of malice, and spreading corruption, for keeping a emphatic mind is just a notion

The world we live in is upside down, and if you can't see that you have a disconnected mind

All seeing, all hearing in all that we do, if you think you are in control, check yourself for your mind

you need to renew.  He came,he went, and then descent, for all our sins we would commit.

With the rising of the sun, the stone was rolled away.  They looked into the sepulchre, and entered

inside, only seeing the man in white with the message of surprise.  That "Jesus is Risen", and has

ascended, and received up in heaven, to sit on the right hand side of God.






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