msmaja187 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
YouTube me... Miss Maja just let it happen #shewrites

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these words


just different

Views: 390
So fluid and transparent yet heavily weighted, anchored, depending how you paint them, these words can be seen and felt and even tasted, bitter, sour, salty and sweet, these words can be rugged or fragile, loving or hateful. Unlike material things they are the only thing which can not be taken from me, written or spoken THESE WORDS ARE EVERYTHING!

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Ak rio says:

Yes they are!

mrmelody7 says:

Very good poet are you

msmaja187 says:

Appreciated 😁

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hymnagen says:

You left out BEAUTIFUL, which this string of words I just read most definitely is. I digs #Salute

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msmaja187 says:

Thank u!!! 😆

Fonz52 says:

Words are powerful. .nice job!

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