recklessmonet | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 5800
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lightness in the dark
Slowly finding my way

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My Thoughts



Views: 456

If energy can neither be created or destroyed

Then where does the energy of our words go?

Is it the the reaction we get when we have a convo?

Or the reaction of those that your words touched?

Causing combustions,

Creating chain reactions of good or negative vibes.

Like waves in water,

Waves of sounds,

Creating chemical reactions within our cells, ourselves.

That impact, change lives?


The energy created to have a conversation

The energy created when spoken or thought of

Where does that energy go?


Does it come back around and go to our homes?

After it travel around, year round circling the globe impacting those that we don't know.

If every action has a reaction,

Then what type of action does your words bring?

Or do you not think and just say...

Would peace love and justice come your way?

Or would you be the creator of your own hell?

Trapped in a cell of bad chemical reactions, imbalances...

Bad practices of loose lips that let words slip

Drip like faucets

No protection as you create bad reactions.


I'm just sayin,

that if we're all connected on an atomic level

And your words were needed like air for your survival

Would you want to breath your own words in?

Or would you suffocate off of all the bad words you created?

I'm just sayin...

That if energy is neither created or destroyed...

Then I'm quite sure someone else's words impacted your world... For better or for worse.

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Awesome write! Awesome energy.. Write on.. I enjoyed reading..

Tali says:

Beautiful and very true

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

BRILLIANT.....deep thought...very well played....Bravo...thanks for sharing!

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Deep ponderings! Nicely penned

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mstee28 says:

Very Nice!

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DallasCowgirl says:

Thought provoking!

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