ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Your Love Is like......



Views: 254

Your love is like the feeling of loneliness that has been fulfilled, by someone you know their love is real, it's like the birds chirping in the morning, chasing each other around, confessing their love to one another with that sweet sound, your love is like the dawn of another day with the sun in the banks of the sky in a broad horizon, or the break of sunset with the moon arising, like me and you kissing and holding hands, building a great life together and making future plans, like birds in a flock heading south for the winter, your favorite love song in all it's splendor, an old couple arguing in a grocery store, the look of a one year old baby waiting to explore, breaking up , making up because the sex is better, a man in jail getting that long awaited letter, your love is like the look in your eyes when I look into them direct, the feeling inside you, you cant help but reflect, your love in a nutshell is all these things, tomorrow I wonder what your love will bring,

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love_supreme says:

I love this poem. Excellent write.

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hymnagen says:

Yo, I read this joint after reading "Proven Proof." That range of content is what keeping it real/100 is supposed to be about. This is what's missing from radio rap right now. Dudes fronting like super thugs who never felt love is that ol' bullsh!t. I dig what you bring to the Vibe. Peace

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ms.poeticpassion says:


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