TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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you hold the key to my heart



Views: 446

You hold the key to my heart

No matter how many times you misplace it

Or bend it out of shape

It still seems to fit

No matter how many times you break it

Your key still works

Time and time again

I just reshape my heart for your key to fit

Leaving myself wondering when will you take better care of it

You don’t

You constantly show me you are not worthy of my prized possession


I ignore the gesture

Assuming you’ll get it together

But I’m only making anout of myself

By allowing you to keep playing me

No matter how much I pour my heart out

You keep repeating your actions

Showing me you don’t give a damn

You hold the key to my heart

Because we have a kid together

Therefore I am determined to make us work

Work for the sake of our child and us



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KingQadarDwon' says:

Deep!! Thanks for sharing

love_supreme says:

Love. Excellent write.

poems by this commentor


Ak rio says:

Good write you'll vwork it out

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