ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Proven Proof


just different

Views: 283

I been on the inside of those walls that so many talk about who hasn't I took the trips past the cornfields, somewhere in smallville, part of me behind them walls still, felt how them draws feel, with that peculiar itch sirens blaring, barricading the roads trying to get us there faster  million dollar load, keep quiet we're told, cells that hold, inmate number disclosed or imposed, and this is just processing in receiving, trust looks are deceiving, lockdown 23 hours and 1, a shower and 1 yard a week lunchable sized trays, getting frustrated counting the dayz, cant see the sun oxygen synthetic feeling pathetic, no commissary 60 day session is fazed, a bag of hygienics, guard not around when you need it replenished, toothbrush so small you scared it might fall down your throat swallow and choke, timed toilets 15 minutes so your celly's smell you absorb it sends you in orbit, and you cant get out and y'all open your mouth and gloat about a boat  we will glady sank, walk the plank if they think we gone fall in compliance, too use to violence, we're animals but we wild so f**k being tamed and you claim this is you, you could have it, I was there because of my habit, I am addicted to money 

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Pure fire ElroyKen! Real never glorifies; real just tells the truth. Keep bringing it, bruh. Much #Respect

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