HymnAgen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Pen wouldn't move til now Current eventz got me feelin some kinda way

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Who Knew He Was A Writer? (A recent poetry challenge submission)



Views: 415

I smashed my looking glass 
long ago

to keep from feeling 
so vulnerable

to lessen the effects 
of true reflection

I buy into my own deceptions
and micro manage 
my heart’s connections

At a glance I got it all together

You get the whole picture

But on closer inspection 
I’m just an assemble puzzle

Each part of it differs

You see, I’m one of those guys:

I compartmentalize
like the irregular sections
of my broken reflection

And you’re never really sure 
about which part of me 
you’re getting to see
for basing your impressions 

Hell bent on keeping 
my feelings unharmed
I let very few glimpse 
what’s really going on 
inside of me

Then came my pseudonym 
and the freedom to move my pen
with an honest abandon

No matter the mood I’m in
I can reveal the real 
and let you view who I am
Still protecting 
the rep of the dude I’ve been
in others eyes most of my life

Eventually the twain shall meet
when the time is right

But that clock is still ticking








- HymnAgen

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Alekia Abeni says:

" I can reveal the real and let you view who I am. Still protecting the rep of the dude I've been in others eyes most of my life." Something beautiful to feel about. Excellent write.

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KingQadarDwon' says:

Splendid write.. I can relate... I protect myself at all cost and it is rare that I'll become vulnerable to someone.. I don't let people in like that, unless they deserve it.. I'm working on something like this now bro... thanks for sharing..

Ak rio says:

The art of deception is very important to master good write

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hymnagen says:

Thank you my sista and brothas for your comments!

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