The Alpha Roccus | Poetry Vibe
The Alpha Roccus
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Views: 299

There comes a point when you realize you care more than others,
you sweat, you stress, you rationalize, you react different than your brothers.
There's a thing called life,
it's my only strife.
I try and try to help only to be met with resistance,
I try to be there with the utmost persistence.
There's a thing called life,
and it's my only strife.
My brain swings round and round like a merry-go-round,
which path do I take to help you through your trials,
do I stick though it and be your conscience standing on the mound,
or do I sit back and watch as your woes turn into piles.
There's a thing called life,
it’s my only strife because I am and will always be the one who understands too much.

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