KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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When he notices you



Views: 699

It didn't take him any time to make her smile, she was used to a certain style, she never had a man to pay attention to her like an owl. Noticing every tune of her band, it's a woman's dream to be really be noticed by her man. Compliment after compliment, accomplishment after accomplishment, there he sits reading her lips. Mesmerized by the joy she's speaking, he's happy for her, he's listening and she's teaching. He reaches deep in his heart to visualize her thoughts, while his tears of joy pours every time she talks. As long as she's happy, he's happy, they're happy, it's a fatal attraction with mutual reactions of what could happen, in the near soon future. He's her personal heart caretaker, provider, protector, very personal love maker. She cooks the dinner, he pours the wine, they take their baths, he makes her laugh. Reading stories of wisdom nightly, the learning sessions are always enticing, nevertheless enlightening. Never been struck before with a woman who's mind carry lightning, Very frightening, sometimes head over hills for this fine piece of a diamond, cut just the way he like it, he loves "mining" her business, while she's "minding"his lighting. Impressed with my brains intellectual capacity, she gets mad if he don't make a new word, the audacity, of her to hold him to such high standards, sometimes he wanna click out but he was brought up with manners and after all it's his fault for noticing everything about her and speaking a Poet's language so every once and a while she's allowed to  channel her anger and he can't blame her.

 Qadar Dwon'

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twistedbeauty says:

nice vibe. keep it up

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KingQadarDwon' says:

Thank you kindly

Myactionspeak says:


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hymnagen says:

It's the details, my draw me into your writes with the details. They allow me to be the narrator when I read. You got a special talent, bruh.
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KingQadarDwon' says:

@myactionspeak Thank you fam! Preciate it...
Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

@hymnagen Thank you fam! Preciate ya bro... That means a lot... I'm definitely humbled by your comment.. That's for the inspiration

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DallasCowgirl says:

This is very beautiful. I feel like I say that too much but really your pieces are all beautiful, ahch! You're gifted, indeed.

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KingQadarDwon' says:

Toda ahchut.. You can never say too much.. You pull it out me every time... Don't change.. Now your work is the truth!

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