ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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I Write


Views: 231

I write so that you can see my light , I write so that you can brief  preview my life, I wite so that you can better understand mt demeanor, I write of all the things that's seen and dreamed of, I writ you could'nt possibly know what it's like I writr to tell you the story of my plights, I write so my name a live on, I write they'll be talking about me when I am gone, I write hope someone turn it into a song, I write about my wrongs that was right, I write about how the stars make me feel at night, I write and maybe this will help you get through, I write because mostly it helps me too,

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xclusive says:

This is dope. I havent written anything in a while but this is motivation. Great write

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