Tmartin The Poet! | Poetry Vibe
Tmartin The Poet!
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25600
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 259
Watch out for the friend who pretends to be a friend they only love you when your stuck in the same situation as them. But when you advance in life to be better then who they are they start to distance they self from you. And show who they really are because if it was all love i wouldnt be writing this today. The whole time we laugh partied live the same life for years and shed many tears together, But it seems that my dreams took over my life i always wanted more then just a life headed for destruction. I wanted a family and a true friend who would be around till the end but I guess life separates the real and the fake and you kept it fake!.. After my life changed for the good I look back at are memories and wonder was you ever really with me or was you plotting against me, Through out those years cause now I see your envy and jealousy so we must disconnect. Cause your thoughts and ways could kill my dreams so good bye old friend at least you showed me who you really are!..Time to end what never was there a fake friend who pretended to be there so now we must depart cause your actions could tear my life apart your moves are not straight there side to side sort of like a snake so before I let you pretend to be a friend any longer I must put a end to something that was never really there and leave you were you belong in a land full of snakes!!

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