Tmartin The Poet! | Poetry Vibe
Tmartin The Poet!
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25600
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 298
To the child that was born into the dark side i understand your pain growing up in dysfunctional ways plays with your brain and looking in your environment all you see is pain violence drug dealers abusers and all you want is to just blossom and grow but knowing in order to grow you must fight and go up against the sinners every day you talk to the lord just to stay sane at times your stuck you feel like you have nothing to gain asking your self why do all I feel is pain Every time you go out side for air violence is present you wanna stay out the way but your pockets is empty jobs are gone schools is like a jungles is it the plan for the black male to fail or is it just your luck that got you feeling stuck in a society that's been poisoned before you entered or maybe its gods way of bringing you in society to see his child push to the end. You must gain knowledge and understand situations and take what you want out of life choose your path but think before you choose cause the wrong choice could hurt for years so choose wisely and remember knowledge is the key.

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DallasCowgirl says:

TMartin, I can see your growth with every poem you post! Amazing

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