It rushed in
like a gale force wind
steadily gusting.
Moved by the swinging,
double-edged swords
deftly clutched in
the hands
of the Angel of Destruction.
Nothing stands.
The fruits of the labor of man
all razed;
crushed into sand.
Entrusted to the care
of time to repair
the post traumatic stress
from Earth’s reprimand.
Living people
made equal;
the meek do
inherit the Earth
in the sequel.
The evils of man?
They lay in waste
‘cross the land.
To survive,
we set up tribes
and we band
United minds
are more clever
than any of us on our own
though we are prone
to look out for number one –
that bullsh!t is done –
stand together
or we die alone.
It’s time to reassess
what matters,
as those who collect
and process the data –
the scribes like
you and I
who refused to die
just to record
how the few survived
in the after math...
of a new beginning…
- HymnAgen