ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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House Of Pain



Views: 222

My temple, God given, is fate your destiny?, is choice a decision?, pitiful practice makes for a poor performance, a vessel, dense and dormant, read if you dare embark on a journey, I lay a welcome mat,inviting you into learning me, if this is another visit welcome back, now enter my brain, will make you smile, will make you cry, welcome to my house of pain, memories of incomprehensible pleasure and sorrow, confidence a little love, that fades by the morrow, confused most of my years until I captured the identity of this cruel world, boggling which part I would act out in this play with no moral, for every action there's an equal opposite reaction that's Newtons law of motion, my hurt runs deep like foundations eroding, corroded in this illusional shell, this is not who I really am but for now I dwell, alot of thoughts entertained, suppressed energy with no vention, self destructive, a world corruptive, no ones paying attention, I cant live life how I want to live, there's no such thing of the action of the word free, teachers lied, politicians denied, the possibility of me ever being me, quite deranged,  God is strange, welcome to my house of pain

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

I digs the concept and feel the word choices. You make it vivid.#Salute

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2b2b2 says:


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