1 Come here O beloved your countenance is as pure as a dove and on your chest carries two sacred rubies.
2 O ye my beloved leg shaker, you're wise as a Lionesses and as gentle as a bluebird.
3 O beloved You are sweet as berries, and have a spirit that sweetens me.
4 Come ye forth and allow me to bite of humble pie.
5 O beloved lay with me a rid me off this terrible fever, medicated love is what heals me.
6 Your lips are as pear slices, I don't want to consume them, ye allow me to nibble.
7 The smell of your garments is like the smell of the first day of spring in the heavens.
8 O thou beloved your body is of the finest clay, let me guide my fingers in, out, around you, and let me shape your essence.
9 O ye beloved the sight of you robbed me, you held my heart hostage. Let it go or slay me.
10 Come here ye beloved, your hips look like that of a deer, I'm going to chase you and bring you back to the king's Chambers.
11 Beloved soak me in your milk and honey. Fill this bedroom of this castle up. My army won't need me today, I rather take my spear and make you ooze.
12 O ye beloved Lay on this bed of flowers and your pollen, while I fly to approach you and sting you with wisdom and pleasure from the King.
13 Beloved your bottom treasures is rich in milk and honey. I must conquer this land and dominate any male that comes near. Even your under garments taste like honey. King Qadar Dwon'