juicyjiggles85 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 298
Can you not see the pain in my eyes My tears are flowing my heart is aching but all you see is my smile and laughter I laughed and joked but only to conceal the reality of my day to day struggles My rough childhood had many sleepless nights with no food to eat or clothes to wear. No gifts to look forward to when Christmas or birthdays came Over hear cries from my mom when she couldn't pay the bills Living meal to meal instead of check to check Growing up in the projects is where the streets raised me On the corner slanging was the only way to live Praying and hoping that I survive to see another day Rejoicing the day music found me Wouldn't be able to breathe without it Being able to voice my anger and pain Only made stronger in life So before you judge and point your fingers Take a look in the mirror and reflect on your life Make sure u cherish each and every moment Because I'll never forget the struggles I went through.....

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KingQadarDwon' says:

Great write... What doesn't kill you make you stronger..

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