United states of belligerent hate
Misconstrued as red versus blue
In a few, astute insights negate black and white
having understood Greenback’s anti-Wood
strategies of having trees mad at trees
to retain status quos and ignore our woes
Resentment growth slowed by carrots as treats
being dangled just out of his reach
thus maintaining illusions of inclusion
His own trash delusion? Believing that dream pursing
yields fruit to the thinly veiled prostitute
who for insufficient bucks lets them fvck
Constitutes madness – supporting this broken apparatus –
believing that his status is superior to blackness
even when he’s living like a savage!
Life quality ravaged by unfair distribution of cabbage
all because pride denies his hateful baggage
when he is my natural ally against the all-seeing eye
but he chooses to rely on dumb-ass-ness
thus maintaining the status of his quo
He chooses to be blind to the facts!