ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 257

Curse them, every female and with longing, the ones I know double not one of them I know has not been trouble, or was kind to my condition, gold digger, wise mouth, witch, and sometimes deserved the call of a bi**ch, all rejected my love now they make me sick, their mischief, their malice, what makes them turn on me like this?, that one with the sweet face she's still loved and missed, cant they meet me halfway compromise there is always blame with my name no shame in the game, I have always been  someone so wanting and giving of passion, and still today I give my love but only for the asking, not a single day goes by, where one or two don't catch my eye, they all think of me, as their worses enemy, there I'd be by my lonesome paying no attention an idled mind, bemused by some woman's beauty the sight of her makes my heart go blind, will she let me love her love or let me roast to the world's end, or greet me with great jubilee while she really just pretends, this is the payment I receive for my passion, I have to learnfrom love to restrain, how much longer can this persist my pleasure in love's pain, take my lessons in love live as a solitary hermit must carry this world's biggest boulder, my head up over my shoulder, looking backwards is forever my fate, a contorted soul and no mate, 

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Too real! Many know these woes well. I had to meet a Lady before I could even tell the difference. Tight write up!

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